Soothing Touch for Animals
Animals can experience stress – just like humans. In this class you will learn seven simple soothing techniques, some that use touch, others use energy healing. We will also introduce simple methods working with infrared, “Photobiomodulation Light Therapy.” We will demonstrate with dogs in class, but these methods can be used with all animals – including yourself.
Humans and animals share emotions, and the more we can calm ourselves, the more we can be of service to the animals who share our lives. All of these methods work quickly, helping animals to get out of the "fight, flight, freeze, or fiddle" response. These practical, soothing techniques invite the calming response (the vagus nerve system) leading to greater well-being and better connection between you and the animals in your life.
If you are interested in attending future Soothing Touch for Animal Workshops or if you would like to arrange a workshop for your organization, please send an email to:
Click here to sign up for upcoming Soothing Touch for Animals classes or other upcoming classes.
Read about the importance of Soothing Touch in our blog post, Stray Dog was Afraid to be Touched

About Genie Joseph, PhD
Genie Joseph is the Executive Director and Founder of The Human-Animal Connection. She is a dog trainer and was formerly on the Board of Tripler Army Medical Center’s Human-Animal Bond Program in Hawaii. She is a certified Trust Technique practitioner and specializes in the human-animal relationship. Genie created the Act Resilient Method which has been presented to over 4,000 Service members and their families. For this work At Tripler Army Medical Center her team was awarded a National Resilience in the Workplace Award from The American Psychological Association. And she was given President Obama’s Volunteer Service Award. She and her Therapy Dog Sophia work with active duty and veterans and she is a volunteer at PACC. With thousands of hours of volunteering at various shelters, she works primarily with shy, under-socialized, and shut-down dogs. With other trainers, she presents a Morale Dog Therapy training class for Davis Monthan Air-Force Base. The HAC pairs veterans with shelter dogs for companionship and emotional support. Genie is an award-winning filmmaker, published author, and her book, The Human-Animal Connection is available on Amazon.