The Human-Animal Connection announces our new transformative experience,
Energy Healing with Horses.
Of course, you don't have to teach horses about energy healing; this is as natural to them as eating hay. But you do have to slowly introduce the concept of a massage table in their corral and the idea of a human being horizontal instead of vertical.
This is Day One:

It took about fifteen minutes working with Jerricho Horse and his person, Gillian, for him to feel comfortable and safe with this brand-new experience. Of course, there is tons of love here already, so we are just slowly getting him used to the idea of the massage table and blanket, letting him sniff, touch, and look it over before she lays down. His good buddy, Century Horse, in the stall next to him, watched the entire session.
Respecting the Horse's Opinions and Intuition
One fundamental principle of The Human-Animal Connection is that animals have their own opinions about what they like, what they want to do, whom to trust, and how they feel in the moment. For this reason, we listen to the horse's opinions. We let the horse lead the entire interaction. We do not "train" them to do this work. We do not have them "do anything" they don't choose to do. They are free to interact, engage, and decide how they want to position their bodies.

Letting the Horse Lead
Horses have their own rhythms. They know exactly how much of the engaged energy interactions they want to have. The horses are free to come and go, to take breaks, and decide how much or how little contact they want with the human. Although you can clearly feel the horses moving slowing and taking their time, the "healing exchange" is often brief or in intervals. It is the job of the Horse Energy Healing Practioner to attune to these variations and pauses, as they are always perfect.
Energy Healing with Junior - the Therapy Donkey
This is Day Two with Junior, the Therapy Donkey. He has been doing sessions with humans sitting in chairs for about two years. After watching Jericho and Centure, his horse buddies enjoy feeling a human on a massage table, he let us know he was ready to assist in the healing session.
This video below shows Junior with Maureen, one of the Human-Animal Connection board members, experiencing the peaceful joy of looking up at the clouds and the mountain and feeling the gentle breeze. Most delightfully, the soft breath of the donkey, who is fully connecting with the Energy Healing Genie, is offering. Junior loved being able to add his own sweet donkey healing energy.
How the Energy Healing Session Works
The session is facilitated by a trained Human-Animal Connection practitioner, Genie Joseph, PhD. Genie is a certified Trust Technique Practitioner, a Reiki Master, and an Energy Healer who has been doing this work for decades. Genie observes the flow of energy and maintains the connection with both the animal and the person, holding space and adjusting the energy "pulses" for maximum healing and assimilation of the experience.
The Healing Energy with Horses and Donkeys is a one-hour session that consists of first the human sitting on the table for about 15 minutes, learning how to harmonize their energy with the horse's energy field. This helps the person learn to get peaceful and match their energy with the horse's. It is essential for the human not to lie down until they feel ready. Then, they will lie down on the table for about a half-hour. The horse will choose how to interact and for how long. We have seen Jerricho be precise about where he positions himself, such as working with specific chakras for balancing. Then, in the last fifteen minutes, we will assimilate the energy healing experience -- either in silence or with words -- as the person prefers.
The Perfect Distance for Every Healing Interaction
As we refine this program, we have learned that there is a perfect distance and duration for every healing interaction. We let the horse or donkey lead without any guidance or preconceptions about what needs healing or where. The horse knows. Call it "horse-sense." They know what is needed and for how long. Thus, there will be times when the donkey or horse is very close and almost touching, and then the horse knows when that healing is complete and will move to another position.

Junior has been a Therapy Donkey as part of our Doing Nothing with Donkeys mindfulness workshop. We loved seeing how Junior Donkey, after working with Gillian on the table for about twenty minutes, chose to go and lay down near us as we sat up and discussed the experience. This is a sign of absolute trust and a sense of safety for a donkey to lay down with us in his coral. Junior was in a lovely, deep, integrative healing state himself. We felt total bliss just watching him.

The Healing Experience is Mutual
In the Human-Animal Connection, we are dedicated to the principle that animals are not "tools of healing for humans." Rather, animals are our partners in healing. We want the experience to be as beneficial and balanced for the animal as well as for the human-animal. So, as a practice, we honor the animal's desire to choose when to interact and when that particular healing cycle is complete. This is very good training for the human to sense and trust the natural rhythm of healing energy and not take it personally if the animal is complete and moves away.
The Healing Presence of Horses
Are you ready to experience the powerful healing presence of horses and donkeys? It is profound, gentle, slow, and beyond words. It can be deeply healing to trust enough to lay on a table with a large animal who is free to engage. And they are very wise; they will not approach until they sense you are calm and ready to receive the softest, kindest, joy-filled experience -- something perhaps you've only dreamed is possible.

Here, Jericho is helping balance Gillian's solar plexus chakra. According to Shamanic Healer and Animal Communicator Judy Ramsey, "Horses are particularly attuned to human solar plexus, as they "read" energy from our field." They can read it at any distance, but here he is choosing to help her as she consciously allows herself to experience more balance in her core and more peace and well-being.
Genie Joseph, PhD
Executive Director
The Human-Animal Connection